Booking Agency

Concert bookings

As a booking agency, we help the artists we work with. We assist both the promoter and the artist to make sure all concerts can take place in the best possible circumstances.

A list of all bands we currently work with can be found under the heading 'Bands' on this page.

Artists who would like to work with us can always contact us. This applies to both people with years of experience and total newcomers.

Our starting points:

Each artist is entitled to good support, whether it's a large festival or a small pub. We treat every concert as an equally important assignment.

Artists and promoters are entitled to certitude. It's always better to come to an agreement beforehand, so all parties involved know what to expect.

A booking agent should never abuse his position to artificially raise the costs. Each deal has to be reasonable for the promoter and for the artist. Wanting to set an example, we are the only ones in the sector who only charge a commission of 10 percent on the fee, without any minimum amount.

Music is more than just entertainment or a product that has to be sold. Concerts fulfil a function in society and we gladly help artists to get their message across.


Tour management and support during concerts

We can help artists, both those on our roster and others, with the practical preparations of their Belgian tour and offer practical support during those concerts. This is particularly interesting for artists who, for financial or other reasons, prefer to travel without a road crew.

If you want to find out more, feel free to contact us.


The red tape section

Malcolm Nix Bookings VOF
Gemeentestraat 73
3010 Kessel-Lo

V.A.T. number: BE-1000.791.164
EORI: BE1000791164

Please only use the address mentioned above for physical correspondence.

Small enterprise: exempt of V.A.T. obligations

In the case of a legal dispute, the Business Court in Leuven, Belgium is competent.